1. Be advised, the sales statements are for the royalty period listed. The

    inventory in the report is up to date.

  2. (Stickering, barcodes and slipcase prices have increased from .30 per

    job to .40.) Please make sure all product has a barcode and is sealed.

  3. How can I see broken down sales by title?

    The Sales page will detail a title by title breakdown during the

    royalty period reflected in the respective statement. You will see an

    overall sales total which is the sum of all units, as well as a sum of

    each individual release.

  4. Why am I seeing expenses now for titles that have not been released yet?

    Expenses are reported in the month in which invoices are paid by Fat

    Beats. Certain expenses such as lacquers, stickers or other components

    of a project are completed and paid for prior to the completion of the

    entire finished record.

  5. Why is a 20% reserve being withheld?

    Reserves are held for one accounting cycle only. They account for possible returns of product from our customers. You will see your

    statement’s reserve liquidated back to you in your next statement.

  6. Why do I see stock on hand for a title that has no sales?

    The inventory page reflects stock on hand as of the statement date, not

    the royalty period. It is likely that stock on hand with no sales was

    either recently repressed or in less likely cases saw zero sales

    activity during the royalty period.

  7. When will my payment be made?

    Payments are issued for balances with at least $500 due. Balances under $500 will be held until the

    following statement. Please allow 1-3 business days for your

    payment to arrive. Payments are made on a weekly basis on Fridays from

    our Los Angeles headquarters.

  8. I shipped you product but I don’t see it in the report?

    You will only see the product that came in during the set royalty

    period in this report. If the product came in after the covering

    period, it will most likely be in the next report.